First NZ Studio to be a Part of Green the Bid

We are committed to working with other studios and vendors on sustainable practices that best suit both the environment and industry best practices.
— Kristy Grant, CEO

Lane Street Studios is proud to be in 'Green The Bid.' Leading the way in New Zealand our facilities have been built with the sustainability of our environment in mind.

New Zealand’s special environmental, social and cultural qualities are central to our screen production industry. We value public confidence and trust, and recognise the responsibilities that come with our unique ability to influence audiences and inspire positive action. Innovation, creativity and stewardship are integral to sustainable practice and our performance.

In line with what we believe New Zealand is already performing with sustainability actions, using our reliance on hydroelectric power over other forms of power as an example.

The percentage of New Zealand's electricity provided by hydro generation has been between 50% and 60% for the last decade. In 2015, the distribution of renewable energy in the total power usage of New Zealand was 80.2%. It ranks second to Norway in countries with official plans to increase renewable power usage to 90% by 2025.

Here at Lane Street Studios our overall objective is to develop an informed and proactive basis for carrying out our operations in a way which effectively minimises adverse environmental impacts. We strive to continually improve our environmental performance by benchmarking ourselves against industry best practice.

Our Promise

  • Achieve compliance, as a minimum, with all applicable legislation, screen production industry requirements and any other adopted commitments related to environmental issues

  • Implement environmental management systems that meet the requirements of a recognised standard

  • Regularly review the environmental management system and policy to ensure their currency and effectiveness

  • Minimise waste, use resources efficiently and prevent pollution in all our activities within our building or on location

  • Purchase environmentally preferable goods and services where possible

  • Minimise our impacts on local communities and the general public, and protect natural and built environments when operating on location

  • Cooperate with external bodies and professionals to develop standards and improve the overall environmental performance of the screen production industry


First International Production


Five New EV Charging Stations Installed